We are Go Beyond, and we give breaks in the British countryside to children who live in seriously challenging circumstances. Like us, you know the benefits of a ‘getting away from it all’ and taking some time out. For these children, a week away can change their lives – forever.
We are a small charity that makes a huge difference to children in the UK who desperately need a break. They are children who care for their ill mums and dads, children who worry about where their next meal will come from, children who fall behind at school and struggle to make friends, children who hide in their bedroom, afraid to come out. In short, children who don’t really have a childhood.
Without our supporters, these children would never get a break, never get a chance to explore the great outdoors, go on adventures, go orienteering or canoeing, or toast marshmallows by the fireside with new friends. Go Beyond puts magic into their lives, through simple, traditional holidays with no screens and lots of time spent outdoors.
Over the last 30 years, we have given over 19,000 vulnerable children breaks. For one week, they pack their troubles away and discover a life that’s full of fun, laughter and imagination. And when it’s all over, they go home with memories that last a lifetime.