Birmingham Programme

Registration & Refreshments
Welcome and Introduction

 Hope Coumbe, Editor, Professional Adviser

Professional Adviser
What I wish I’d known before becoming a financial adviser

Having spent the majority of her career working for providers, Fiona ‘crossed the divide’ in 2017 to join Intelligent Pensions, a specialist retirement advice firm. 17 days later the firm had an FCA visit as result of which she is now, not wholly voluntarily, their Compliance Director. The presentation seeks to share the theoretical knowledge she picked up prior to becoming an adviser and the practical knowledge which comes from dealing with both the FCA and a team of advisers who just want to help their clients. Learning points: Advisers should leave the session with • A theoretical understanding of the advice process • A working understanding of the main FCA requirements for regulated advice • Practical tips for managing client needs within this framework

Technical Director
Intelligent Pensions
Retirement Review and You - SimplyBiz

The FCA has been asking lots of questions about retirement advice. When it comes to the design and execution of retirement advice services, advisory firms are going to have to ask themselves some searching questions, such as:

  1. what service do you want to offer?
  2. how will you deliver that service?
  3. how will you evidence delivery?
  4. what will distinguish retirement advice from accumulation advice?

Taking a full tour of the possible supply chain of advice service – from planning and research tools through to portfolio selection and review, we take a look at the key supply chain challenges advisers should be tackling with regard to retirement advice.

By the end of this session you will be able to:

  • Understand the direction of regulatory travel regarding retirement advice.
  • Critique your supply chain of technology and product manufacturers.
  • Identify any gaps to be filled in your supply chain.
Managing Director Distribution Solutions

Are you consumed by duty? Time to consider whether Guaranteed Income = Better outcomes working with L&G

The financial market has undergone significant changes in the past year. The current market conditions pose challenges for retirement planning, such as market volatility, inflation and longevity risks. At the same time, regulatory reforms also offer new opportunities for clients and Advisers in the Guaranteed income space. How can you help your clients navigate these challenges and opportunities and provide them with the best retirement income advice? How can you adapt to the changing regulatory and economic landscape, and meet the expectations of the Consumer Duty and the Thematic Review of retirement income advice? This session will review the key elements of a secure retirement plan, which will enable your clients to safeguard their retirement income and manage longevity risk whilst also complementing what you do as a valued Adviser.

By the end of this session, delegates will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the opportunities available from the introduction of Consumer Duty and the Thematic Review of retirement income advice
  • Debunk common death benefit myths and explain how an annuity can be used in a retirement portfolio to meet client objectives for both Fixed Term and Lifetime Annuities.
  • Apply a layered allocation approach to design a secure and sustainable retirement plan for their clients and cover phased Annuity purchase or utilising a Fixed Term Annuity holistically for either Capital or Income guarantees.
Strategic Partnerships Director
Legal & General

Q&A with L&G and Fintel for SimplyBiz

chaired by Hope Coumbe, Editor, Professional Adviser

Coffee and Networking Break
Managing Investment Risk in Retirement - Premier Miton Investors

Retirement income planning continues to pose significant challenges with people living ever longer, the responsibility of saving and investing being transferred to individuals and the ongoing threat of inflation. With many advisers using investments designed for capital growth to provide income for their clients the management of the risk of the “sequence of returns” is key. In this context we will consider the benefits of a “natural” income stream. We will explore how natural income works as well as the current landscape for income assets. We will consider how a well-structured Multi Asset Income solution can help spread investment risk, creating multiple opportunities for the generation of both reliable and growing income as well as capital preservation/growth.

By the end of this session, delegates will be able to:

  • Understand the key considerations when seeking to fund a retirement that could span decades rather than years.
  • Explain what sequence of return risk is and how its effects can be managed.
  • Describe what natural income is, its key strengths and benefits and how a multi-asset portfolio can be managed for income generation and income growth.
Fund Manager
Premier Miton Investors

AI - Friend or Foe for retirement planning? - Tatton Investment Management

AI, Friend or Foe? The science behind Machine learning and the opportunities to add value to our client interactions. We have heard the words AI being used about more and more on a daily basis and becoming part of our daily narrative. What is AI and what sort of impact could this have on our industry and the interactions between Adviser, Investment Manager and of course the end client. In todays session, Tatton will be looking to explore the myths behind AI, explain the history and language in more detail and delve into the development of AI – where and how it started. The pace of change is phenomenal and having a good understanding of AI will be the platform to demonstrate how we can safely use this technology with our clients going forward. This will be extremely relevant in the investment world where AI will be able to take full advantage of past outcomes and learnings to help us navigate future scenarios. We will take time to understand the rational fear of the growing adoption of AI technology, explore its comfortable use and keep the focus on reality - the increasing importance of the role of the adviser in bringing technology and human interactions together for the best possible combined outcomes. We will focus on how to utilise AI to better serve the needs of clients in ot approaching retirement and think about how their needs may be different from those in accumulation. By the end of the session we aim to provide you with a confident understanding of AI, how it can be helpful, where to be careful and how to explain this harmonious approach in client discussions.

By the end of this session, attendees will be able to:

  • Explain AI's origins, what it is, and where it fits into the advice and investment landscape
  • Describe and review how this technology may help or hinder advisers and investment managers
  • Identify how AI can be used in financial services to enhance client outcomes and increase efficiency for both advisers and investment managers
Chief Commercial Officer
Tatton Investment Management

The Psychology of Investing in Retirement - Aviva Investors

Your clients have been working and saving for decades just for this moment: ‘retirement’. Aside from contemplating cruises, the more time they will have available to spend with grandchildren or on the golf course, they will be making the psychological shift from saver to spender. This is a significant change. Human nature plays an important role in how we approach investing and money management. Our emotions and biases wrestle with our ability to make decisions rationally, and these emotions and biases alter at the point we retire. In understanding the ways in which the psychology of our clients in retirement affects their attitudes towards money, we will be better positioned to help advise them. Investing is ultimately not about spreadsheets, but individual choices made in our somewhat messy heads. A better understanding as to what drives their risk appetite, what approach they adopt when they interpret data and the degree to which their emotional state impacts their decision-making can be extremely helpful in improving client outcomes.

By the end of this session, delegates will be able to:

  • Identify and explain 5 ways psychology affects attitudes towards money in retirement.
  • Understand how you can overcome some of the behavioural barriers that might stop a client from investing. 
  • Be able to explain the theory of relativity in relation to a client’s happiness in retirement.
Sales Specialist, Global Wealth at Aviva Investors

Q&A with Premier Miton Investors, Tatton Investment Management & Aviva Investors

Chaired by Hope Coumbe, Editor, Professional Adviser

Lunch and Networking

Birmingham Venue

National Conference Centre

Thursday 16th November 2023

Coventry Road, Bickenhill, Hampton in Arden, Solihull, B92 0EJ