Programme - Day 1 

Registration & networking
Conference opens with Editor's remarks
Professional Adviser
The evolution of excellence

The strive for excellence is real and a standard that many set for themselves and for others.

Michelle will share her extensive experiences to help you to realise that, in order to achieve your true potential, both personally and professionally, you need to turn your attention to the most important thing of all – your business.

Without a solid and scalable structure, growth and success will be limited, almost to the point of strangulation. She will enlighten the audience with an insight into several tried, tested and successfully proven concepts.

Michelle will take you on a journey through the key elements that will help you achieve your truest potential.

Co-founder and Head of Development
Standards International
The Everything Model

Cogs and wheels, engines and thought processes, they interact and affect each other. In the recent update publication from the Regulator on Price and Value (September 2024) it was stated

“ It is important not to consider the price and value outcome in isolation. It should be considered alongside the other outcomes and cross-cutting obligations under the Consumer Duty”

How can a firm connect up charging structures, CIPs, CRPs, platform delivery, investments strategies, and PROD in an easy way and be able to use this productively within their business?

These interactions can be complex, there’s a lot of moving parts, for instance how does your choice of investment selection affect aggregate charging, and does this charge therefore represent fair value, if it does how do you consider the most appropriate financial instruments to use with your selected target market and what tools do you used to make that choice and are they fully researched with adequate due diligence?

Then there are the new innovated solutions that address issues such as the advice gap and intergenerational wealth. How do you build that into a proposition?

How do you align acquisitions into your business to ensure unity?

And how can you easily and effectively convey that to interested third parties, such as the regulator?

But that’s only one aspect, more importantly how can you harness it, so it becomes a valuable business tool and not just a regulatory exercise. This is The Everything Model.

In this session we will explore the issues in such as complex area and what the Model could look like, you’re all individual so each Model will be unique to you. The session will provide you with useful pointers and a basic framework to get you building your Model if you choose to do so.

Open Door Policy
Coffee & networking

Attend 35 minute boardroom sessions over the two days of the conference with leading players including Albemarle Street PartnersBenchmark CapitalOrbis Investments, Quilter and Morningstar.


Attend 35 minute boardroom sessions over the two days of the conference with leading players including Albemarle Street Partners, Benchmark Capital, Orbis Investments, Quilter and Morningstar.

Coffee & networking
Preparing and equipping your business for the next generation of advice

Join our business leaders as we explore the complexities of equipping and future-proofing a thriving financial advice practice.

  • Attracting and retaining talent: Exploring strategies to attract the best talent and retain them in a competitive market.
  • Engaging with the next generation of clients: Learn how to connect with and meet the expectations of younger clients.
  • Selecting, integrating, and keeping up with technological advancements: Discover how to choose and implement the right technologies to stay ahead.
  • Ensuring compliance in an ever-changing regulatory landscape: Understand how to remain compliant and thrive amidst evolving regulations.
Chief Operating Officer
Foster Denovo
LCH Wealth
Day 1 round up
Time at leisure
Pre-dinner drinks & networking

Come and join us from six thirty onwards for drinks and networking.

Hosted dinner

Programme - Day 2 

Conference opens with Editor's remarks
Social Media: Strategy, Compliance, and Best Practices

Social Media is an ever growing business hygiene, regardless of your business discipline or tenure, clients are migrating towards these platforms to seek validity of experience and gain knowledge.

This session is designed to help understand the business case for social media, identify key elements of an effective social media strategy, understanding of compliance and regulatory considerations for content and provide real life examples of what is and can be used. 

SM Advice
Multi-Asset vs. MPS: Choosing the right investment solution for your business
Defaqto will explore the multi-asset versus MPS conundrum facing Advisers. With unparalleled insight and data coverage of the MPS arena, Defaqto will provide impartial analysis of both MPS activity and Adviser behaviour over the past several years. Sharing insight into the most frequently used search criteria from their Adviser platform ‘Engage, alongside the most commonly recommended solutions and key market trends.
Head of Investment & Protection
Coffee & networking

Attend 35 minute boardroom sessions over the two days of the conference with leading players including Albemarle Street Partners, Benchmark Capital, Orbis Investments, Quilter and Morningstar.

Protecting your business from cyber attack
A cyber-attack is one of the biggest concerns and costs to an adviser business, with disruption to business, stolen client data, and reputational damage at stake.

Stay on top of this ever-evolving threat and develop strategies that will protect your clients and business.
Conference summary
Close of PA Retreat