Mark Polson is founder and chief executive of the lang cat, a specialist platforms, pensions and investment consultancy. From its Edinburgh base, the lang cat works with platforms, life companies, asset managers and large advisory firms helping them interpret regulation, develop new propositions, turn marketing strategy into action and articulate their services in such a way that people without a financial services degree have a hope of understanding them. Bit by bit it aims to leave the industry just a little better than it found it.
The lang cat is also a strategic communications agency, offering PR and communication services to clients across retail investment, protection and fintech. The comms guys have access to the techy guys, and the techy guys are helped by the comms guys to communicate with impact. It’s a good mix.
Mark is a prolific writer, contributor to the trade press and international public speaker, even when people ask him not to be. He doesn’t play guitar as much as he’d like and spends more time than is reasonable going to gigs aimed at people considerably younger and more tattooed than him.
Mark Polson
Chief Executive and Founder
the lang cat